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LLC conversion to Corporation for tax purpose

To change the status of a single member LLC to a corporation may be achieved by several methods as set out below:

  • By filing a Form 8832, Entity Classification Election, for a disregarded entity to be treated as an association taxable as a corporation.
  • By filing a Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation, which is treated as a deemed election for a single-member LLC to be taxed as an S corporation association.
  • The conversion of a single-member LLC treated as a disregarded entity into a corporation under the applicable state law formless conversion statute.
  • The merger of a single-member LLC treated as a disregarded entity into a corporation under the applicable state law cross-entity merger statute.


When converting your LLC to a corporation it is of upmost importance to understand what type of tax status already exists in the LLC. As determined above, a single member LLC that did not elect to be treated as a corporation will be a disregarded entity and taxed as a sole proprietorship. The tax status of the LLC will determine how the company is converted.

A conversion of a single member LLC to a corporation can have significant tax consequences based on the transactions that are deemed to occur as a result of the conversion.

If an election is made in terms of Form 8832 to change classification from a disregarded entity to a corporation, it will be treated as if the owner of the disregarded entity contributed all of the assets and liabilities to the corporation in exchange for stock.

When a business entity undergoes a change in elective classification status from a disregarded entity to a corporation, the change should be treated as the transfer of all the assets and liabilities held by the owner of a former disregarded entity to a newly formed corporation, with the owner of the disregarded entity treated as the transferor.


TIME FRAME: 10 days to prepare the IRS package 

IRS Processing time: 2-4 months.

LLC conversion to Corporation for tax purpose



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    "Soon after I have opened my LLC, I started getting orders for my design services from US customers, in 6 months I have tripled my income! "
    Dragan  Visopitch, Serbia ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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    "We wanted to expand our e-commerce shop to the U.S. and with the tax free LLC, we were up and running in no time! Sales are up 150%. Best move we've ever done." 

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    "When our dating app was ready for expansion, we signed up for the tax free LLC with Tax Usa and in less than 2 weeks we started getting U.S. users and installs."
    Oren Cohen, Israel ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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    "I have opened a tax free LLC last year for my Amazon seller's account and since then selling at 30,000 USD per month, all tax free!"
    Nico Gardiani, Italy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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    "Tax free LLC is the best solution for non US residents like us. We have used it to grow our IT company from India into the U.S. and already have 200 U.S. customers"
    Sachin Patel, India ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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    "I highly recommend TaxUsa and the tax free LLC for any non U.S. resident. It's easy to set up and you instantly start seeing U.S. income. Tax free. It's great."
    Eduardo Santiago, Chile ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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