If you want your name, to be kept private and not listed as public record, you use the nominee service: A nominee for a limited liability company serves as a public representative for an LLC to keep the identities of the true owners private. Many non U.S. residents owners that want privacy in forming an LLC are still able to use nominees and registered agents in some states to provide anonymity for members.
This service applies to Delaware, Wyoming & New Mexico
Add privacy to your LLC: Nominee Incorporator, hide your name from public record
hen are Nominee Services Used?
Company owners tend to use nominee services for the following purposes:
- To ensure the anonymity of the ownership for non-governmental bodies and safeguard disclosure of ownership information in case of public inquiry.
- To ensure the anonymity for making business deals and signing agreements.
- When the personal presence of the company director is required to conduct business in another country and the beneficial owner does not have an opportunity to travel.
- In order to prevent lawful restrictions on deals between affiliate bodies. This option is useful for the transfer of assets within a holding company.
- When it is necessary to extend the statutory bodies by the right amount of members