Application for Tax Exempt Status - Form 1023
Non-profit organizations serve the public good and may reduce the burden on governmental entities to provide similar services. In return for this exemption from federal income taxation, an exempt organization is required to be organized and operated solely for the publics benefit and not for the private interests of its management or donors.
Obtaining IRC Section 501(c)(3) status lends credibility to your organization and may enhance the organizations ability to attract tax deductible individual donations and grants. If you are starting a new non-profit organization, the application process can seem daunting at times with all the financial projections, by-law requirements and requests from the IRS for additional information but it may also help refine your stated mission and provide a blue print for achieving the organizations goals.
Most organizations who receive a Federal income tax exemption are also considered tax exempt for State tax purposes. However, the state may require a separate state application be completed and some states only allow application after receiving Federal tax exempt status from the IRS.If you would like assistance in preparing your organizations application for tax exempt status or annual tax return, please feel free to contact me.
501(c) (3) tax exempt status
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